Asia Pacific Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive Health and…
Friends, partners, colleagues, advocates,
By Coordinating Office Staff
18 May 2024
All Blogs
CEDAW-SDG Knowledge Exchange
The three-day peer learning activity was organised by Asia Pacific Alliance for Sexual and…
Charting the way forward: Progress Gaps, and Actions: CSOs…
Progress Gaps, and Actions: CSOs at the Midterm Review of the 2013 Asian Pacific…
By APA Coordinating Office…
18 May 2024
APA Members’ Strategic Meeting
Catalyzing CSO Action for Sexual Rights in Asia Pacific:
11-12 September 2018 in Bangkok,…
By APA Coordinating Office…
16 May 2024
All Meeting Reports
Sustainable and Just Economies and Linkages with Gender and…
Policy Brief
Urban and Peri-Urban Development and Linkages with Gender…
Policy Brief
Global Environmental Commons and Linkages with Gender and…
Policy Brief
Human Well-being and Capabilities and Linkages with Gender…
Here’s what some of our members have to say about the APA network
“The diversity in SRHR needs & issues of the countries in Asia Pacific region require coming together for dialogue, knowledge sharing, advocacy and joint action and APA is providing the platform to do exactly that !”
Rubina Ali
SRHR activist from Pakistan
"As a youth member of APA’s Steering Committee, I gained invaluable knowledge and skills as I lobbied and advocated for SRHR in different regional and international spaces. I felt more confident as I know APA and its partners is there to support me. One concrete example is when I delivered a statement on behalf of more than 52 CSOs from 24 countries for the 6th Asian and the Pacific Population Conference (6APPC) and the ICPD PoA in Asia Pacific. "
“If you are seeking detailed information on SRHR advocacy focused on Asia and the Pacific region, there
is the Asia Pacific Alliance.
ARI is a youth-led organization based in Indonesia which has been a member of APA since 2015. As an
organization working for youth's SRHR, mostly in advocacy, we need detailed and updated information in
relation to international and regional advocacy opportunities that might be relevant to our work. Since
we joined APA, we have received a lot of relevant information for our advocacy work, such as Asia Pacific
Forum on Sustainable Development, CPD, and many more.”